Tag: in bodybuilding

Effect and Side Effects of Letrozole

Effects of taking The non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor has the following effects on the athlete’s body:blocks the negative side effects of estrogen, including acne, gynecomastia, floods and subcutaneous fat;eliminates gynecomastia in all its manifestations, even in the initial stages of the course;helps keep muscle mass from catabolism after drug withdrawal,...

Letrozole course for men

Unfortunately, long-term use of anabolic steroids not only increases muscle mass and strength, but is also fraught with side effects. One of them is the so-called feminization, which manifests itself in enlargement of the mammary glands (gynecomastia), increase in adipose tissue due to muscle smoothing, relief, accumulation of fluid...

Using Letrozole with Steroids in Bodybuilding

Letrazole is a medicine of the class of aromatase blockers (inhibitors), which helps to reduce estrogen levels in the body and to increase testosterone and gonadotropic hormones.Analogues of letrozole: Letroza, Letromar (medicine), EstroletOther drugs of the class of aromatase blockers (inhibitors) (comparable in effectiveness): Anastrozole, Exemestane (Aromazin). The use...

Letrozole – description and application

Letrozole is the most effective aromatase inhibitor, which reduces the level of estrogen (female hormone) in the blood, which is extremely effective and the drug is not a steroid. It quickly became popular in therapy, pharmacology, sports (in bodybuilding and weightlifting) and other fields. Letrazole has also become popular...